Technology Tips for Pre-school Parents

Technology Tips for Pre-school Parents

Technology can be very alluring, especially to immature minds who are not yet steady to understand the difference between good and bad. Here comes the duty and responsibility of the parent to take utmost care of their child in these growing years, because these are the determinant stages and have a deep impact on your child’s behavior and etiquette.

To ensure the healthy growth of your child, you want them to practically understand every concept which is easier with the assistance of technology but you do not want them to grow addicted to these mobile phones. No matter what, TVs and mobile phones must have a scheduled time limit for your child. Strict as you must be when it comes to watching excessive television. The gadgets act as a slow poison on the tender minds which restrain the production of Melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep/wake cycle or Circadian rhythm. World Health Organisation considers mobile phones as “Possible Human Carcinogen”.

1. Search for alternatives

Read them a book or folklore. Recite them a story, or either way, make time to share with them. It is a good parenting technique to grow fond of your child in order to make them obey you decently. You may want to explore the street with them or hit the ground, all your choice but find an alternative that drives them away from technology and roots them with nature and emotions.

2. Attractive Activities

Invest in toys, building blocks, and learning games like scrabble or monopoly. In this way, not only a child’s attention is caught out of technology but they also learn important things. Parents can utilize this time to talk to them and observe their expressions. Gestures and feelings help you feel connected with your child. It also enhances the cognitive ability of your child.

3. Play by the rules

Fix a timetable in order to discipline them. In this way, they also get to do plenty of things in an organized manner. Discipline leads to a better way of living. And it is a crucial aspect that must be taught to children, right from their homes. It helps them acknowledge the value of time and efficiency. This will make them understand from a tender age and will definitely appreciate your concern one day.

4. Putting technology for better use

Instead of switching on the TV and letting your child scroll the channels all day, we suggest utilizing this time and using the means of ed-tech. It will help your child understand better. Not only would it drive wasting time into utilizing time but it would also help them learn. The human brain is very sharp at tender ages. And the more they grasp, the more they expand their horizons.

As vital it is to help them learn and understand new concepts, it is also important to introduce them to the fun phase of life. The carefree prospect is where they have fun with their parents. Spend as much time as you can with your child and make sure you do not leave a bad impression on their tender heart because that scar can carry itself into the future of your child. As important as it is to watch them, it is also vital to introspect yourself and watch yourself around your kid.