Nutrition and Education

Nutrition and Education

अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।

ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति ॥११॥

The above shloka states the utmost importance of food and nutrition in one’s life. Food is necessary to survive and be productive. In order to lead a comfortable life, the true source of all the energy must be taken crucial care of. The struggle of a man’s life is all about 3 crucial things as popularly quoted, ” Roti, Kapda, and Makaan”. And the above must be fulfilled in order to lead a standard life.

1.Children and Early age nutrition

When we talk about children, a proper diet with all the nutrients is extremely necessary to keep their body healthy, fit, and immune to diseases. A healthy body only possesses a healthy mind. And that is why, to learn and understand well at school, your child requires a diet that is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. At a tender age, children sulk when they witness green veggies on their plate and that is non-negotiable. Parents must take care of their children and ascertain that they eat all kinds of vegetables.

A rich diet shall give them the energy to play all day alog. All their activities are governed by their diet. At a young age, a healthy and well-nutritional diet is also vital to build stamina.

2. Diet Chart

At TIS, we maintain a student’s diet chart given to us by well-qualified nutritionists. It is our responsibility to monitor our students’ health and give them the best quality advice on how to improve their health. Their safety and security have always been our main focus and we never fail to impress the parents without top-notch care for our children.

At TIS we also harbor an environment which is regularly sanitized and cleaned in order to promote and encourage a safe and sound picture. Sanitation is the next step to nutrition and as vital as it is to keep the body vigorous, it is equally important, unequivocally, to keep our surroundings tidy and green.

3. Balanced Diet

Parents are recommended to provide their children with a balanced diet. Obesity is one of the biggest concerns in younger age. It also encourages laziness and stress. The prevalent conditions are worsening due to low outdoor activity. Additionally ,parents must provide their kids with a balanced diet which is full of improving robust nutrients.