21st Century Education


Understanding the needs of the ultra-modern century, education and learning are constant areas requiring development. A person can never stop to learn otherwise the tides of time shall wash him away. In order to understand and acknowledge your caliber, it is essential to let yourself sink in the pool of learning. A hungry mind never stops to think and that is when knowledge feeds him. Learning gives direction to creativity.

1. Technology-driven

It is true that slate and duster are no longer the most powerful assets of a teacher. With the advent of technology, the world has come across recorded lectures, zoom meetings, and google classrooms. The world has certainly shrunk in terms of sharing knowledge and that has helped us exchange ideas on a wider stage. It is one of the most talked-about alterations in 21st-century education. Technology has taken over and classrooms are now equipped with the latest smart-ed sections. At Thapar International School, we pay utmost attention to the advancements and it is considered extremely important to keep up with the pioneering extensions. Therefore, our children learn with the best technology. Our classrooms are well equipped with modern developments in order to assist our students learn and understand better. Not only does it enhance their capabilities to understand a concept, but it also makes it fun.

2. A wider stage

With a broader platform to exchange ideas, Students find it convenient to learn new and interesting topics. It also helps them remain updated with the existing curriculum as well as the ongoing scenarios. A person interested in business may as well learn a lot more than is available in a textbook. This helps the students survive in a competitive world providing them an edge. In this way, students also develop essential traits like confidence and public relations, which develop them into a better personalities.

3. Promoting Professionalism

Connection, communication and an affirming network are all dots that lead us to a better environment. A healthy and developed personality is always favored. And hence, at TIS, our aim is to inculcate certain abilities that support your child to be a better version of themselves. It is our goal to build better leaders for a greater tomorrow. And TIS has always surpassed the vision with smiles and satisfaction.

Thapar International School is one of the best schools in Yamuna Nagar with pioneering skills and technology. Nurturing our students with vital abilities that shall help them outshine in this competitive world, TIS, aims to build a better future for them.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”